Show Results

Drawsily Red v.d. Grasbroekerhof - *06-04-2001
Dates Shows Qualifications Judges
11.11.2001 Piet Roks Jongehondendag 3rd place  Mw. W. Schellings (NL)
14.04.2002 ISC België excellent  Mrs C. Sheldon (GB)
25.05.2002 ISC Nederland excellent  Mrs C. Atkinson (GB)
07.07.2002 Winner Amsterdam very good  Mrs F.A. Somerfield (GB)
10.11.2002 Piet Roks Jongehondendag 5th excellent  Dhr. A Bijker (NL)
06.06.2004 ISC Nederland excellent  Mrs G. Barker-Bell (GB)

Summary Show Results
Total number of shows : 6
Championship :
Placed : 2
Number of “Excellents” : 4
Number of “Very Goods” : 1
Number of “Goods” : -
