Stamboom - Glamour Girl v.d. Grasbroekerhof : *17 August 2005
Ouders/Parents Grootouders/Grandparents Overgrootouders/Great Gandparents Overovergrootouders/Great Great Grandparents
Red Tails Absolute Irish Lad Red Tails Excallibur Bonbons Irish Gabriel Reddins Patrick
Reddins Clare
Profils Lizette Sowerhill Sailor Of Wendover
Wendover Medea
Big Bang's Lucky Star Danaway Raingod Warrior Reddins Morgan
Sh.Ch. Disco Dancer of Danaway
Big Bang's Finessa Of Cythere Tintinna Skylark
Red Tails Rose
Kamp. Cleverly v.d. Grasbroekerhof Kamp. Duncun from Askeaton Kamp. Explosion of the Hunter's Home If Newgay
Olivia of the Hunter's Home
Chestnut Lola Marshmarks Mirza
Funny-Bee of the Chicken Farm
Magic April v.d. Grasbroekerhof Kamp. Harvey of the Hunter's Home Twoacres Gold Eagle
Kerryfair Solitaire
Scarlett Sunny v.d. Grasbroekerhof Andy vom Selfkantland
Linda v.d. Grasbroekerhof
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